Learn the “Up Theme” (Married Life) on Guitar

by David Osborn, M.S.

Playing Level: Beginner

Welcome to another Kids Guitar Academy mini-lesson!

In the above video, I will walk you through how to play an abridged version of the theme from the Disney-Pixar movie "Up".

Kids Guitar Academy mini-lessons are designed to help students get fun songs under their fingers as quickly as possible while also highlighting important guitar techniques.

In the above lesson we will look at how to use "reverse roll-overs" to move quickly (and easily) from a higher string to a lower string. This song also provides a good example of how to set up your fingering properly in order to reduce mistakes and make execution easier.

So download (and print out) the free tab below, grab your guitar, and get ready to have some fun!!

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About the author 

David Osborn M.S.

David Osborn is the founder and head teacher at Kids Guitar Academy. David has been teaching guitar professionally for over 20 years, specializing in guitar studies for kids & teens. Aside from teaching, David enjoys spending time with family & friends, fishing, and playing electric guitar in his church's worship band.

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