How to Play "Your Reality" from Doki Doki Literature Club!
Ready to learn "Your Reality" from the ending credits of Doki Doki Literature Club? In this lesson, I'm going to walk you through the song step by step. Plus, at the end of the lesson you'll have a chance to play along with the song! Be sure to get your free tab below so that you can print the sheet music out:
If you are a Kids Guitar Academy student enrolled in the Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course then this lesson is the perfect supplement to Beginner Level 1, lesson #7. For more information on the Kids Guitar Academy Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course click here.
Here we go! This lesson contains 3 sections:
All of the notes in this song come from one major scale pattern! Learn this scale pattern first and you are guaranteed to get the song down much faster.
Once you've learned the scale, it's time to jump into learning the song. This song is very simple and only consists of one section. Within this section are 3 phrases, including a "tag" from the 3rd phrase (a tag is the ending part of a phrase that gets repeated or "tagged" on at the end). Here's the ordering of the phrases:
1) Phrase 1
2) Phrase 2
3) Phrase 3 (2x)
4) Phrase 3b (The "Tag")
We'll take a close look at each of these phrases--plus, I'll go over some strategies that will help you get each phrase down as quickly as possible!
Once you have the song down, it's time for the fun part: playing along with it! Playing along with the song you are learning is the best way to master it.
Remember that you can slow the song down making the play along easier by using the settings icon on the control panel of your youtube video viewer (it's the gear-looking icon located near the full-screen button on the video viewer).
Click Settings > Speed > 0.75
This will slow the song down to 3/4 speed (without changing the pitch), making it a lot easier to play along with. Once you can play along with the song at 3/4 speed, try it at full speed!
Ready to get good at guitar fast? Be sure to check out The Kids Guitar Academy Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course!

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