Playing Level: Intermediate
Get ready to learn "Comedy" from Spy x Family!! This charming song is extremely fun to play!
As an intermediate level song, it does pose a few challenges.. First and foremost is the fact that there are slides in almost every bar! Have no fear, in the above tutorial we're going to take a close look at sliding technique on guitar. By the time you finish learning this song you will have mastered slides!
Here is the structure of the song:
Intro Verse (2x) Pre-Chorus Chorus Pretty straight forward right!?
This song consists of a total of nine phrases. Once you've worked through each phrase try putting the phrases together by playing along with the play-thru found at the end of the tutorial!
I hope you have as much fun as I have playing this awesome song! Let me know how it's going or submit any questions you have in the comments below!
It's much easier to learn the song when you've got the sheet music printed out and sitting in front of you! Grab your copy below!
"Comedy" Download and Print the Guitar TAB:
Ready to get good at guitar fast? Be sure to check out
The Kids Guitar Academy Ultimate Beginner Guitar Course!
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